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Recent,The CPC M88 Live Casino Games Committee Grassroots Protection Station Third Party Branch organized all party members and cadres to carry out party discipline learning and education knowledge test。
This knowledge test takes the form of opening the test,The content covers the "Chinese Communist Party Constitution" and "Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China".,All -round inspection of party members and cadres has revised and violated political m88 online bettingdiscipline in the "Regulations" since the development of party discipline and education、Clean Discipline、Clean Discipline、Work Discipline、Work Discipline、Disciplinary and other six types of discipline behaviors, understanding and mastering the situation。Promote learning with exams、Promoting the Bank with learning,Guide party members to clearly be right and wrong、Clear self -discipline standard、Keep the bottom line of behavior。
Next,The third party branch of the grassroots protection station will continue to take party discipline learning and M88 Online Live Casinoeducation as an important political task,Permailing the discipline and rules of the party throughout the daily education management supervision,Comprehensive use of multiple methods,Reminder from time to time、Prevent micro -Du Jie,Active and accurate use of "four forms",Pay attention to grabbing early,Let "red face" and "sweat" become the norm,Make party members and cadres from committing or making less mistakes,Continuously enhance discipline consciousness and rules awareness,Always use party discipline correction thoughts and actions,Convert m88 online sports betting apphis law to inner pursuit,Make discipline and rules really stand in the heart、Strict,Help the study and education of the protected area deep、Seeing the line effective。
(Supply: Hongya Mountain Protection Station Audit: Information Management Section)