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Party History Learning Education

In order to further enrich the study and training form of party lesson,Give full play to the advantages of grass -roots party building and joint construction mechanism,Strive to promote the construction capacity and level of grass -roots party organizations。October 13,The Third Party Branch of the Grassroots Protection Station of the Liangu City Reserve and the Shiyanghe Forest Farm m88 online sports betting appHongyashan Branch Party Branch
In -depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1" important speech,Give full play to the role of leading cadres to lead the role of learning,Further promote the implementation of party history learning and education.,In the afternoon of September 29,Office party branch、The second party branch of the grassroots protection station jointly carried out
September 8th,Office party branch、The Second Party Branch of the Grassroots Protection Station jointly carried out the theme party day event of "Create a Beautiful Environment to Enhance the Service level",All party members of the two branches、Office、Scientific Research Division、Qinfeng
 In order to conscientiously implement the spirit of the annual work conference in the protected area,Consolidate and expand the protected zone in 2021 to check the results m88 live casino gamesof observation activities,Strengthen the contact service between the protection stations,Consolidate the construction of grass -roots party organizations,Give full play to the role of the fighting fortress of the grass -roots party organization,Efforts to improve insurance
 On the afternoon of August 27,The Second Party Branch of the Grassroots Protection Station organized the "Study Party History、Thoughts、Try to do it、Open New Bureau "Special Organization Life Meeting,Party members of the branch attended the meeting,Advanced to the party activists attended the meeting,m88 online bettingMember of the Party Committee of the Management and Protection Center、Deputy Director Wang Xiaolong
Recent,The 6 party branches of the Party Committee of the Guiqinlian Ancient Urban Management and Protection Center strict,Tightly surrounds "Learning Party History、Thoughts、Try to do it、Open New Bureau "the theme,Organized party members to seriously hold party history learning
The spirit of the document spirit of the "Notice on the Education Special Organization of Party History Study and Education" in accordance with the Central Party Committee,August 26,The Third Party Branch of the Grassroots Protection Station held a special organizational life meeting of party history learning and education,m88 online bettingMember of the Party Committee of the Management and Protection Center、
The notice of notification of organizing and educating the life meeting of party history learning and education in accordance with the party committee of the management and protection center,On the afternoon of August 27,The first party branch of the grassroots protection station organized the "study of party history、Thoughts、Try to do it、Open New Bureau "Special Organization Life Meeting,branch
According to the unified arrangement of the Communist Party of China National Nature Reserve Management and Protection Center, the Communist Party of China,August 29,The party branch of the office focuses on "learning party history、Thoughts、Try to do it、Open New Bureau "the theme,Around "Learning History and Law、Learning History to increase credit、Learning History Chongde
According to the Party Committee of the Management and Protection Center, the notice of notification of organizing and organizing the organizational life meeting of party history learning and education,On the morning of August 25,Organization of the Party Branch of the Personnel Section organized the "Study Party History、Thoughts、Try to do it、Kaixin Bureau "special organization students
August 25,The Party Branch of the Protection and m88 live casino gamesMonitoring Section is to thoroughly promote the study of party history,Combined with the development of the "Party Banner Plof high on the grass -roots level" activity,It carried out the work of "party flag fluttering a fortress,Service Center to promote development
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