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Release time: 2024-04-17 18:27    Reading times:m88 online betting    Selected font size:T|T

In order to improve the level of party building work at the grassroots level of the protected area,Implementing the "Hundred Days of Tackling" Action Objective Mission,m88 live casino gamesm88 online sports betting appContinuously enhance the service skills of grass -roots party cadres in the protected area,morning on April 17,Minqinlian Ancient Urban Management and Protection Center organized the standardization construction and party building business training course,Member of the grassroots party branches、Grassroots party cadres and representatives of party members participated in training。

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This training takes the promotion of norms to promote promotion as the goal,Start from the basic party building business knowledge,Persist in problem orientation and demand -oriented,I am "what to learn,What do you miss? ",Promoting shortcomings and problems in the standardization of branch standardization and the work of grassroots party building,Earnestly studied the "Regulations m88 live casino gamesm88 online bettingon the Work of the Communist Party of China" and the "Regulations on the Work of the Grassroots Organization of the Communist Party of China and the State Organization of the Communist Party of China" and the "Standardization Manual of the Party Branch of the Gansu Provincial Institutions",Further clarified the principle of responsibility positioning and working principles of the party branch,Secretary of the Party Branch、Work responsibilities of branch members,Introduce the purpose and procedure method of the "Hundred Days Tackling" operation of the party to build the party,and set up and re -election from the grass -roots party organizations and implement the "three meetings and one lesson"、branch organization life and democratic evaluation party members、Development of party members、Party fees are calculated and m88 online bettingm88 online bettingcollected、Preparation and convening of party building activities、Standardize the record of party building conferences、Standardized ledger establishment and other aspects to conduct systematic training,Organize participants on the spot to observe and exchange、Answer questions、Solve the problem,Exchange party building work method,Clarified the work process of party building,Enhanced the sense of responsibility and mission of doing a good job of party building at the grassroots level,Lowed a solid foundation for regulating party building at the grassroots level。

Next,Management and protection Center will further control the responsibility of the party governing the party,Focus on the "five reinforcements、Five attention,Five creation "target m88 online bettingtasks,m88 online bettingDeepen the integration of party building and business,Efforts to build a highlight of the work of grassroots party building,Continuously enhanced the political function of grass -roots party organizations、Organizational functions and service functions,Leading the high -quality development of the protected area with high -quality party building。

 (Supply: Office review: Information Management Division)


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