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Release time: 2024-05-14 17:53    Reading times:m88 online betting    Selected font size:T|T

May 12th is the 16th m88 live casino gamesNational m88 online bettingDisaster Prevention and Mitigation Day,The theme is "Everyone talks about safety、All can emergency -focus。May 12,Flower Garden Protection Station organized a national centralized publicity activities for disaster prevention and mitigation。

On the day of the event,Protective stations Organize cadres and employees and forest guards to study earthquakes、flood、Lightning、sandstorm、Fire and other common disasters occurred、Harm and response、Prevention and Self -Rescue and Mutual Rescue Skills,Learn the 2023 National Geological Disaster Successful Risk Anti -Top Ten Top Ten Ten Ten Topic Cases announced by the Ministry of Natural Resources.,Guide cadres m88 live casino gamesand m88 live casino gamesworkers and forest guards to know the early warning signal of disaster accidents、Place of refuge、Emergency evacuation path、Safety export and emergency response requirements,Always pay attention to m88 online bettingDisaster Prevention and mitigation,Establish risk awareness。Establish a consultation desk at the gate of the protection station,Hanging banner、Post -stickers、Big horn circular playback, etc.,Widely publicized disaster prevention and mitigation、Self -rescue and mutual rescue knowledge,Deep in Taixi Coal Mine,Hongshagang Town,Facing the prevention and treatment of harmful biology of forestry in the face of the people of the surrounding people、Forest Fire、The common m88 online bettingsense m88 live casino gamesof common sense and emergency management knowledge and emergency treatment of terrestrial wild animal epidemic diseases and prevention and control、Escape self -rescue and other correct methods。

This event exits more than 200 copies of publicity materials、Consult the people more than 150 people、More than 20 households,popularized and promoted the knowledge of m88 online bettingDisaster Prevention and mitigation and self -rescue skills for disaster prevention and mitigation,It evokes the high attention of all sectors of society to disaster prevention and mitigation work,Enhanced the awareness of disaster prevention and mitigation in the whole society,Improving the ability to prevent disaster prevention and m88 live casino gamesmitigation at the grassroots level,m88 online sports betting appCreate a social atmosphere for everyone to participate in disaster prevention, mitigation, and disaster relief。

(Supply: Flower Garden Protection Station Review: Information Management Division)

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