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Release time: 2024-05-27 10:42    Reading times:m88 online betting    Selected font size:T|T

  In order to continue to advance the "pairing assistance · Love Gansu" project construction,M88 Online Live CasinoMake M88 Online Live Casinosure that the task of pairing care is implemented,Help solve actual difficulties and problems,May 24,M88 Live Casino Games Secretary of the Party Committee、Director Bai Zhenqing went to Cai Ren Village, Wuying Town, Qin'an County, Cai Ren Village, pairing the caring house, Wang Shuping's home to carry out pairing care and contact exchanges,Send them a necessity and condolences for them to give them rice noodles and other daily necessities。


Walk into Wang Shuping's house,Bai Zhenqing kindly cordially talks with Wang Shuping and the husband and wife,"How is the family recently? How about the physical condition of the two sons? Is the second son's object find it? Is there any difficulty in life ..." Bai Zhenqing also patiently M88 Online Live Casinom88 live casino gamespreached to them all the benefits and disabled disability. Assistance policy,Encourage the two elderly people to help each other to help each other,Keep an optimistic attitude,Actively face life。

Bai Zhenqing told the accompanying village cadres to carry political responsibility,Consciously fulfill the obligation of assistance,Fixed implementation of the party and the state's various policies for benefiting the people,Regularly deeply in -depth people to detect the people among the people、Listening to the people、Knowing public opinion、Huimin Sheng,Actively develop characteristic forest fruit industry in combination with industry advantages,Fully help solve the actual difficulties in the lives M88 Online Live Casinom88 live casino gamesof the people in the difficulties,Constantly strengthen the sense of security of the people in difficult people、Happiness sensation、Get sense。

Next,Minqinlian Ancient Urban Management and Protection Center will continue to implement the deployment requirements of the pairing of care operations,Take the "Three Grabs and Three Promotion" action as the starting point,Continuously carry out pairing care activities,Weaving the bottom line of Life,Work hard to work hard on "pro" and "real",Strengthen communication,Increase the frequency of visits,Strengthening publicity and guidance,Coordinate and implement various rescue assistance measures,Send warmth and care for the object of m88 online sports betting appcare,Solve actual difficulties m88 online sports betting appand problems with heart with heart,Let the difficult people really feel the warm care of the party and the government,Further stimulates the positive energy of the people who care about the people who are in trouble,Let more difficult people get timely and effective help。

(Supply: Office review: Information Management Division)


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