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Since the development of party discipline learning and education,M88 Live Casino Games Grassroots Protection Station First Party Branch carefully implemented the Party Central Committee、Provincial Party Committee and Central Party Committee Decision and Deploy,Adhere to high standard plan、High -quality implementation,High efficiency implementation,Focus on "Quick、fine、Xuan、Xing "four words,Guide party members and cadres to learn discipline、Zhiji、Mingji、Shouji,Political ecology that concentrates the wind and qi,Promoting Discipline Disciplinary Study and Education Deep Those,Enter the mind、Seeing the line effective。

The word "fast" should be the first,Blowing the planning and deployment "charge"。The first party branch of the grassroots protection station held a special meeting as soon as possible,Drives the spirit of the Leading Group of the Central Party's Construction Working Group and the Provincial Party Committee、Central Party Committee's deployment requirements on party discipline learning and education。Combined with the work of the protection station and the branch work, formulating party discipline education promotion tables and task lists,Clear work focus,Strict learning requirements,Make a chart battle、Promoting Table。

The word "fine" is required,Study and Education "Combination Boxing"。The first party branch of the grassroots protection station adopts the "four dual -combination" learning methods,Quickly set off a big study、Big Publicity、Great implementation boom。"Secretary Learn + Comprehensive Learning of Party Members",branch members play the "head geese effect",Persist in learning first、Learn one layer,A special meeting of party discipline learning and education,In -depth study and understanding of the key content and direction of the Regulations,Relying on reading classes and collective learning,Party members and cadres are originally studying the "Regulations",Make M88 Online Live Casinom88 online bettingsure to learn quality、Learn results; "Concentrated Learning + Personal Self -Study",Better "Three Meetings and One Lesson"、The theme party day and other carriers,Stimulate the enthusiasm of the learning of party members and cadres,Printing the "Regulations" new and old comparison manual,Guide party members and cadres to actively carry out self -study,Guarantee "Gong in normal,Perseverance ";" Research Learning+Warning Learning ",Through exchange discussion、Watch a special film and other methods,Further recognize the significance of the development and disciplinary construction of the protected area,Improve the depth of learning and education。Learn various cases of disciplinary violations,Alert all party members and cadres always adhere to the bottom line of integrity,Not more "red line"、Do not touch the "high -voltage line",Building a consciousness of integrity and self -discipline; "offline learning+online learning",Actively carry out offline learning,Organize party members and cadres to conduct online learning platforms such as "Communist Party Member Network", "Learning Power", "Gansu Party Construction",and regularly push party discipline learning content in WeChat group,Integrate the learning of party discipline into daily,Let party members M88 Online Live Casinom88 online bettingand cadres learn often、Grab in daily。Current,Organization 9 times,Press 1 test of followers,Discussion and exchange 4 times,The branch secretary lectures 1 time,Watch the warning education film 3。

"Xuan" word for power,Play the same frequency resonance "collaborative song"。Relying on WeChat Group,Launched the "Party Discipline Learning Education" column,Normalization of party discipline learning and education and clean government warning related content,Promote party discipline learning and education from the "fingertips" of party members and cadres to "heart tip"。Give full play to the power of the party members' volunteer service team,Actively carry out home preaching、On -site operation,Explain the "Regulations" for party members in the jurisdiction,Promoting party members and cadres to learn、Zhiji、Mingji、Shouji。Relying on the propaganda team,Carry out the "Party's Voice Entering Wanjia" activity,Common learning "Regulations",Create "Party Discipline Learning Circle at the Door"。

"Xing" is based,Use good results to transform "Golden Key"。Persist in learning and thinking for use、Uniform,Carry out the development of party discipline learning and education with major decision -making deployment、Consolidation and expansion and learning and implementation m88 online sports betting appof Xi Jinping's new era m88 online sports betting appof socialist ideological theme educational achievements、Complete the various goals and tasks throughout the year,In -depth promotion of the "Three Grabs and Three Promotion" action,The style of "strict" and "real" runs through the work,Really put the end of party discipline learning into the pace of entrepreneurship of the officer,Around the "Five Reinforcement、Five attention,Five Construction "and the" 1124 "work idea of ​​the protected area,Building a special brand of party building、forest long system、Resource management and protection、Consolidate the results of the ecological environment rectification、Forestry Harmful Biological Prevention and other key tasks Promote the deep and practical work of party discipline learning and education,Effectively high quality of party discipline learning and education、True results are transformed into the main push hand to promote the high -quality development of the protected area。

(Supply: Triangle City Protection Station Review: Information Management Section)

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