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Release time: 2024-06-05 17:34    Reading times:m88 online betting    Selected font size:T|T


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In order to implement the idea of ​​falling into the internship ecological m88 online bettingm88 live casino gamescivilization,Guiding the whole society to firmly establish and practice the concept of Green Water and Qingshan is the concept of Jinshan Yinshan,Mobilize all sectors of society to actively participate in building a beautiful China、The great practice of realizing the modernization of human harmony between man and nature,June 5,M88 Live Casino Games and Minqin County Ecological Environmental Protection Committee、Wuwei City Ecological and Environment Bureau Minqin Branch、Minqin County Giving Drainage Management Station、Minqin County Moss Spring Coal Industry Co., Ltd. and Minqin County Lincao Bureau、26 enterprises and institutions such as the Natural Resources Bureau of Minqin County,jointly organized the m88 online sports betting appm88 live casino gamestheme publicity activity of "Comprehensive Promoting Beauty China Construction" in the county cultural square。

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Activity site,Pipeline and protection Center closely focuses on the theme of "Comprehensive Promoting Beauty China" and the theme of the World Environment Day in 2024、Desertification and aridalism ",Place the exhibition board、Set the consultation desk、distributed propaganda materials and other forms,Concentrated display of the fruitful results of the construction of ecological civilization and green development of the protected area、Popular science ecological environmental protection knowledge and importance,Promote the general public to practice simple and moderate、Green Low Carbon、M88 Online Live Casinom88 online bettingCivilized and healthy life concept and consumption method。

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The development of this event,Enhanced the masses' environmental awareness、Save consciousness、Ecological consciousness,Deepen the people's understanding of Xi Jinping's core ideas and practical requirements for Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thoughts,Future,Liangu City Management and Protection Center will take this activity as an opportunity,Further tree firm green environmental protection concept,Practice,Constantly summarize the typical cases in the practice of ecological civilization construction、Effective experience、Innovative practice,Promote green low -carbon development,Rich Xi Jinping Ecological M88 Online Live Casinom88 online bettingCivilization Thought,Continuously consolidate the green foundation of the protected area and the foundation of the people,Make contribution to the ancient city for the creation of ecological livable and beautiful Gansu。

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