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Release time: 2024-06-07 18:20    Reading times:m88 online betting    Selected font size:T|T

m88 online sports betting M88 Online Live CasinoappRecent,Gangcha County, Haibei Prefecture, Qinghai Province and Hainan Prefecture, Hainan Prefecture, a wild poultry H5 subtype high pathogenic avian influenza epidemic,To prevent the occurrence of bird flu epidemic,The Qinfeng Protection Station attaches great importance to,Hold a meeting to arrange the deployment of terrestrial wild animal epidemic diseases and prevention and control work。

First, strengthen monitoring and supervision。Increase inspection strength,Expand the scope of patrol,For migratory bird habitat、Stopping in key areas and other key areas conduct key patrols and monitoring,Effectively improve the m88 online bettingpertinence m88 online bettingand effectiveness of monitoring and prevention and control,Make sure abnormalities such as wild birds and deaths discovery for the first time,First -site disposal,Prevent H5 subtype high pathogenic avian influenza virus transmission and diffusion。

The second is to strengthen supervision and supervision。Strict investigation and punishment and cracking down on illegal arrests、Activities for illegal transportation and sale of wild animals,Eliminate illegal trading and selling wild birds,Cutting the pathway of avian influenza,Preventing the spread and diffusion of epidemic disease。

Third is to strengthen publicity and education。Enter the m88 live casino gameshouse through the door、Post M88 Online Live Casino-stickers、Release of promotional pages and other forms,Increase the promotion of wild animal epidemic disease and prevent and control knowledge,Alert the public away from wild animals,Do not pick up、Do not contact dead wild animals, especially birds,Discover the death of wild animals or abnormal situations,Contact the relevant departments immediately,Effectively improve the public self -protection awareness and ability。

Fourth is to strengthen information reporting。Strictly implement the "Zero Report" system,Report information to the central scientific research management department every day,Do not conceal the report、m88 live casino gamesNot missing、No late report。

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