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Sand Cherry

Sand Cherry

A name with poetic and painting

In my hometown

It is called sour and fat (white thorn fruit)

When you call it out, people can't help drooling

Maihuang season, adults head to the sky with the sky to cut fields

Only children,You can take Jinfeng Yulu in the dawn to get sour and fat

On the dunes, sprinkle thousands of pearls

round berries

Manchu Jinbo Jade fluid

Under the century -old elm tree

The sour and fat in the basket of red willow baskets is like a splendid waterfall like a waterfall.

The whole family group sits for

This is the feast of the Yupan Zhenyu in the desert

White -haired old man blooms children's general smile

Children m88 live casino gameswith m88 online sports betting appsand cherries in the mouth,While sucking sweet juice

The full pearl is sprinkled in the swaying Yuyin

After many years, I became a small student in the village

During the holiday, I went away with the grandfather of the Xishan sheep for the first time

Walking together is the old mother camel of our family

Walk from the full day to the sunset West Mountain

See the small stone room standing on the top of the mountain

Move to Jingquan like a cloud with a happy cloud

What a wonderful night

On the top of the mountain, at Gao Gang, look at the sky star fight

During the dawn, Grandpa wakes me up from the dreamland

Gently support me on humpback,Watching me left the camp m88 live casino gamesand M88 Online Live Casinoopened the return return home

​​Bashgouhuang Bay has red quilt -like sand cherries

That is the favorite of the old mother camel

Just hold the hump

Baozheng you safe home

The old horse who has passed the way

Light Laotu Lao Camel is full of sand cherries

Send me a safe home


Recalling the past

Lake light wave shadow, water bird contention

Qingshan is not old, green water has no string

Once upon a time

green grass color decline, yellow sand covering the sun

Qingtu Lake Ze, dried up to the bottom, the birds all destroyed

Stone sheep breaks, flowers and trees are small and sparse, and the prosperity is spreading and deserted

Sigh today

Return to return m88 live casino gamesto m88 online sports betting apptrue,Broadness reproduction,Bird language flowers,Wanli yellow sand turns green waves

Vitering Sea Sang Field,Fang Cao Lian Sky,Forests full of stains,Life marks emerged in the oasis


Years like songs

My youthful year

Fixed in Gobi, desert

Memory of Sand Cherry,It becomes a pink dream that I can never wipe out


(Supply: Flower Garden Protection Station    Audit: Information Management Section)


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